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More than seven million people of childbearing age in the United States experience infertility. There are several reasons why a woman may not be able to conceive and medically, infertility means not being able to get pregnant after one year of trying (or six months if a woman is 35 or older). A couple struggling with fertility may experience problems with ovulation, fertilization, implantation or medically unexplained infertility. In a Harvard Study conducted, researchers found that women that were introduced to yoga and meditation were almost 3 times as more likely than the control group to become pregnant and have a baby within one year of participating in a 10 session program.
I’ve been trained in Yoga for Fertility directly by Lynn Jensen, author of Yoga for Fertility, A Journey to Health and Healing. I also draw on other modalities to help you achieve your deepest state of relaxation and healing as you embark on your path to motherhood.
Yoga for Fertility classes are available as private one on one sessions as well as group classes. Please contact me directly if you are interested in this offering. Spaces are extremely limited and on a first come basis.. You will learn how to reduce your reactivity to stress, calm the mind, and sync up your yoga practice to match where you are at in your monthly cycle. Yoga for fertility has several benefits for women trying to conceive, ranging from increasing blood flow in the heart and pelvic areas to stimulating your reproductive system by focusing on ovaries and the uterus. During classes I will lead you through a calm and gentle yoga practice to help build prana (life-force energy) in the body. I’ll teach you how to use meditation and visualization as part of your daily practice at home.
You can participate in classes if you are currently trying to conceive naturally or through ART (artificial reproductive technology). Please be sure to let me know beforehand.
You can join Yoga for Fertility classes if you are looking to sync up your monthly cycle with your yoga practice.
Who is the ideal student for the Yoga & Fertility series?Anyone who is on the road to conceiving baby or on a path to motherhood through adoption or surrogacy OR is interested in learning more about how yoga can support their fertility journey.
What is yoga for fertility?In this series we'll explore all of the ways you can create a daily yoga practice that will support you on your fertility journey. Yoga is not just about the physical "asanas" or poses, but also about bringing together the body, mind, & spirit and this series will show women on their fertility journey how to do that. We'll look at how to calm the mind, reduce stress, learn poses to support women during their cycles and how the subtle body energy can also be balanced.
What are the benefits of doing yoga for your fertility journey?This series will help prepare the entire endocrine and reproductive system to be working as effective as possible. During weeks we'll practice physical poses that help increase energy and blood flow, especially in the heart and pelvic area, stimulate the reproductive system directly by focusing on the ovaries and uterus, reduce stress levels, learn how to calm the mind and much more!
What are some of the topics that we’ll cover?During our time together we’ll explore a variety of breathing and meditation exercises that you’ll be able to take home and incorporate into your daily routines. Every class will also include a physical practice but we'll also dive into different topics each week like: journaling, mudras, affirmations, essential oils, reiki, nutrition and much more!
Can I take the series if I’m currently having fertility treatments?Please make sure to receive clearance from your doctor beforehand. But yes, let me know on the first day of class so that we can make the appropriate accommodations to your practice to support your fertility journey during our time together.
What resources are there around yoga & fertility?Yoga Can Improve Assisted Reproduction Technology Outcomes in Couples With Infertility. The reviewed studies showed that yoga can provide stress management for patients with infertility, with beneficial effects on fertility, helping couples give birth. They found that yoga also could reduce pain; decrease depression, anxiety, and stress; reduce the rate of assisted vaginal delivery; and improve fetal outcomes. Can a yoga practice help you get pregnant? Stress and infertility in women: Is there a relationship? The Health Benefits of Yoga and Exercise: A Review of Comparison Studies Study Finds Significant Benefits of Yoga for Women Trying to Conceive
1 hr
125 US dollarsEnded
300 US dollars
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